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TorrentFreak: ACE Anti-Piracy Expansion in Europe is More Than Just Another New Member

December 6, 2022

The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment has revealed United Media as the latest addition to its expanding anti-piracy coalition. United Media is a major broadcaster in Southeast Europe but the company has more to offer. Criminal referrals, membership of a major anti-piracy group, and links to a company with IPTV-blocking skills, make United Media a special type of partner.

From a standing start in 2017, the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment is now the largest and most successful anti-piracy coalition on the planet.

ACE now reports on developments every few days, but that barely scratches the surface. Official announcements represent just a fraction of its work and behind the scenes, an endless stream of sites, services, and related entities are shutting down under ACE pressure every week.

Producing articles on them all isn’t feasible but when ACE announced that United Media had joined the coalition this week, it stood out as something worthy of more detailed reporting.

Read the full article in TorrentFreak.